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This was such a sad game omg (insert sobbing emoji here). Genuinely, I really enjoyed playing this game, and I was really upset when the blob/bud started slowly fading away. There is a really clever use of rooms and sprite design here, with the lines/borders slowly becoming thinner and thinner until they're entirely gone. It was a melancholy end, but I appreciated the time I could be with the little fella, especially with the flower at the end, hinting that they are still there, but through the heart.

Concept and execution are perfect here; repetition and change as a means of presenting a narrative cause and effect is great here, and I really love the overall progression and theme of it all, especially given the parasitic relationship presented, and the feelings of both the player and the "bud" within it.

Ugh this is perfect! Am I right to assume that we're some kind of unwilling parasite in this? Because if so, that's just 😭😭😭

Also, really nice itch page  for this! It elevates the game a lot.

Like all the little details you added, like the gradual fading of our big bud and also the sound effect changing depending on how much theyve faded away. Also really like how you made a large character speak with a small speech bubble.

I love the font you added, it looks super clean. Because of the minimalism and repetition of the environment, the text, sound effects, and changes in color do an enormous amount of work in building up the mood. It's really sad, watching the potato die and not being able to do anything.

I really like this! It's a lot like the flower-growing game we played in class. Like other people have said, the use of repetition to emphasize the differences between iterations is a really strong narrative device. I also love the effect you've done with the end card. Great work!

The scene you designed really made me feel relaxed the first time I saw it, all the color, block, and word use is wonderful, the end makes me sad, its exactly like losing a close friend, and I can not do anything about it except stay with it.

PS: The Itchio page is excellent!

The environment is adorable! I like the slightly differences happen between each nap. Very cute and complete game!

Wow, I really like how you were able to keep and maintain expressions of our little blob (?) buddy, even as... (spoiler down below)

it gradually fades and fades into the background. I especially like the cyclical / looping you did at the end. I'm seeing a pattern with a lot of these project 4's (mines included) using repetition, loss, or the use of sleeping/bed to initiate the next chunk of the story! XD

this is great lil game! :D

one small thing in the first scene you spell "tired" as "tried" :P